
Morgana, Maeve, Carissia, Niamh, Mikah,
Habetrot, Mab, Circe, Calipso, Melusina, Dafne, Murgen,
Anfititre, Titania, Partenope or Hermia.
They are all innocents and evildoers as the nature itself.
We believe in them and in their powers.
They exist as the earth, the water, and the dangerous sun.

Morgana, Maeve, Carissia, Niamh, Mikah,
Habetrot, Mab, Circe, Calipso, Melusina, Dafne, Murgen,
Anfititre, Titania, Partenope o Hermia.
Inocentes y malvadas como la naturaleza misma.
Nuestro pueblo cree en ellas y en sus poderes.
Existen igual que la tierra, el agua y el peligroso sol.